Is Daily Home Hemodialysis Right for you?


Daily Home Hemodialysis (HHD)

Daily home hemodialysis (HHD) is not for everyone. It requires both a patient and partner who are committed to being trained on and following the guidelines for proper system operation.

If you choose to do daily home hemodialysis you must carefully follow your dialysis prescription, which may call for daily treatments up to six times per week. Each treatment can take about 2.5-3 hours or more including set up and tear down.

To be successful with home hemodialysis you must make sure you have a clean and safe place to do your treatments. You will also need to have space set aside in your home to store your supplies.

You and your partner will be responsible for tasks that would normally be taken care of by the in-center dialysis staff. You will perform all of the dialysis treatment tasks from start to finish, including setting up the machine and tubing, inserting the needles, responding to and solving all system alarms, and doing all of the clean up at the end of treatment. You will learn how to take your blood pressure, follow infection control procedures and how to follow the step by step instructions given to you by your training nurses. You and your partner will also be trained to respond to any health emergencies that might happen during treatment at home, including dizziness, nausea, hypotension (low blood pressure), and fluid or blood leaks.

Thousands of patients are performing daily HHD and enjoy the improved health, quality of life and freedom it provides.